Solo exhibition Not-my Not-Photography
The artistic research on AI errors Chasing Digital Truth, presented in the exhibition, is funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.
Agne Gintalaite

Shelter of Thoughts, video installation and object, Exhibition Phenomenon M

The Time is not linear. Fuerteventura fossils.

Dr Egle Rindzeviciute on the ongoing project "Radical THINGS": ,,In this world where the value of the image continues deflating, Agne Gintalaite took a radical decision to use the generative AI to produce things. Going beyond Susan Schuppli’s relational notion of photography as a material witness, Gintalaite engages with the artistic strategy of a ready-made. The mysterious objects that she displays in her pictures appear both familiar and alien. Their digitally mediated materiality recalls the surreal aesthetics of Alina Szapocznikow’s sculptures, at once organic and industrial, personal and sampled, appearing as fragments of the whole that has been forever lost. The advance of photography and then, digital photography, has made images ubiquitous. The rise of the so-called generative AI, the algorithmic production of still and moving images, has furthered the avalanche of images. In the context of the on-going crisis of authorship and artist careers that are undermined by the algorithms, Gintalaite’s THINGS re-enchants the digital visuality: perhaps people no longer need new images, but could it be that they need radically new THINGS?"

Painting and sound